Monday, June 14, 2010

Go.....Break a leg! -II

Never thought I'd get down to writing a sequel to my earlier post. But, I have managed what I guess 0.01% of the world population manages to do; break their leg twice in the space of just 5 months! This stint has blessed me with the most funny/ irritating/ painfully excruciating moments with the people at IIM B..For all their brains, most people here are downright petty or stupid or insensitive or in extreme cases, all three rolled into one! And since my accident has seemingly tickled the funny bone of people around me, here's my top 5 list of people I want to drive a screw through. Right now.

5. The most irritating question you can hear when bound to a wheelchair is "How did this happen?". Yes, it's never "How are you?" or "Get well soon"...its always the nosy journo/gossip-monger in you wanting to know how this happened? Some morons in college actually followed me on a 1 km stretch just to get my story in detail!

4. Then there are those who insist on reminding me I am putting on weight. Well, for someone who spent most of 2010 recovering on a bed, did you expect Hrithik-esque muscles rippling out of my tee?

3. Then there are the ones who insist on using my crutches like weapons a-la Star Wars saber types. What amuses me are the ones who want a ride on the this friend who sheepishly admitted how he always wanted to see how it felt. Really, now, really?

2. Then there are the perennial nay-sayers. Like this junior who insisted I was going to find it very difficult to walk in spite of my vehement denials. Worse-try this, a paralyzed guy (Believe me, I am usually not like this, but this guy needs a mention) comes up to me and asks me when I am having my next accident?

1. The top mention of course goes to my dearest friend who after last time, insists on sending me a video of the Jaipur Foot, wanting me to see how useful it is. No words. Period.

No mass thanks this time around. Just Smartass, Bhaiya, Bhabhi, Sahai, Pinky and KV for being the most marvelous company. And Smartass, just for being Smartass. :)


  1. Oh !! so how are you?
    Now how did it happen? You broke your leg twice? Are you some kind of athletic champ?

  2. much better now! and yes..the miracle happened twice in my case; and as for the assumption, I like it too much to dispel it :P

  3. Kiddo! we luv u - Bhabhi ;)

  4. how come so much public curiosity on how you broke your leg?? oh oh i know, coz each of them gets a different story! now who doesn't like hearing interesting stories everyday? ;)

  5. oh! reddygaru...u do realise u were a partner in crime the first time around, dont you?

  6. hmmm... who is this guy who sent u a jaipur foot video da?

  7. lol lots of lists in your posts lately na.. i like! :D
