Wednesday, July 14, 2010


The way she shrugged when asked something she found funny;
The way her nose crinkled when she wanted to dismiss something;
The way her nasal twang becomes pronounced unpredictably, and only I could find that irresistibly cute;
The way her hair flowed backwards that night in the mess;
The way she made it a point to remember you when you thought she had short-term memory;
The way she smses when you least expect it, and then you get that lurch in your stomach;
The way she calls you by a name in a way only she can;
The way she makes you want to stare at her in a crowd, even when you know that people are noticing;
The way she gives you a warm glow when you are teased around with her;
The way she can work you into a jealous fit when she speaks to other male specimens around you;
The way she makes you realise it was never meant to be; it was too difficult in the first place...


  1. Pretty Romantic !!!
    First of its kind ... would like to read few more of the same genre from you..

  2. @Jyo....hope you aren't laughing! :P
    @iyer....nothing man..maybe the Kid is growing up ;)

  3. hk! those fish of yours are disturbing man! i keep flicking the screen thinking its some insect crawling around!

    really nice post, though :) and, quite loved the title!

  4. @ Ficklesticks....Danke :)
    as for the fish, i think they add to the charm dont you? took the tech-challenged me an hour or two to figure how to embed that bleddy software!
